Take longer to on-board your sellers

So, what if the most effective way to on-board and train your sellers in order to scale and grow your revenues was also less efficient?Which would you choose: efficiency or effectiveness?David Epstein author of the NYT best-seller, Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, writes that in the course of researching his book, learning experts pointed him to:"an enormous and too often ignored body of work demonstrating that learning itself is best done slowly to accumulate lasting knowledge..."Sort of the opposite of most on-boarding and sales training programs.He goes on to write that slow learning often "means performing poorly on tests of immediate progress.”In other words, Epstein found the research concludes that the "the most effective learning looks inefficient;”It’s natural to want new sellers to become productive as quickly as possible. They’re on the payroll and not producing enough to pay for themselves.However, what if slowing to down to enable your sellers to effectively learn how to sell, helped turn back the tide of high sales turnover (and low win rates) experienced across the board in sales?It’d be naive at best to believe these aren’t connected.-Andy