Make Learning a Habit. Here's how.

Raise your hand if you’ve seen me advocate for incorporating a learning habit into your daily sales routine…Let’s see...let me count hands…keep them up...1, 2, 30, 400, 5000-I guess The Sales House message is getting through!Now that you’ve made this commitment to daily learning, how do you put it into action?Here’s a simple technique to help you integrate 10 minutes of learning into your day:

Attach your learning time to an existing habit.

For example, let’s say that you have 9am-10am blocked out everyday on your calendar to make proactive outbound calls. That time is sacrosanct. You don’t go a day without making calls during that hour.Going forward, before you start making calls, you’re going to invest 10 minutes in learning (reading a book, listening to part of a podcast, taking an online course and so on.) In other words, attach your learning habit to your prospecting habit. Or to any other activity you have regularly time blocked in your calendar. (Don’t forget to adjust your time blocks to include the extra 10 minutes.)I use the same technique for other habits too. I have a chronically bad back. A couple years ago my physical therapist told me I needed to get serious about consistently doing core exercises to help my back.I always exercise religiously. So I attached performing core exercises to the beginning of my regular workout habit.Now I don’t swim, bike or run, unless I do 5 minutes of various planks first.Remember: in order to integrate learning into your daily routine, connect it to one of your existing essential sales habits.FYI, trolling around on social media doesn’t count as learning.-AndyP.S. Looking for an all-in-one sales training WINNING solution for yourself or your team? Click here to learn about The Sales House.