6 Ways To Convert Intangible Qualities Into Tangible Value

Virtually every customer you ever meet has the same exact problem. What is this universal problem?Quite simply—they have too many choices.Think about how overwhelming it is for buyers to sort through the huge volume of inbound and outbound information from multiple vendors. And, no matter what product or service a customer is looking to buy, he or she faces an ever-increasing number of vendors selling very similar products or services.And, as the number of options in a product category proliferate, the differences among features and prices narrow. You might think this inverse relationship would help a buyer make better choices, but typically exactly the opposite occurs.With no clear best choice, buyers can get stymied—which slows their decision-making. With no clear differences among products, buyers instead look to what intangible qualities the potential suppliers bring to the table. These intangibles that are ultimately decisive to your ability to win the buyer’s business are based less on what you sell and more on how you sell.That’s actually good news for you, the salesperson. Because, HOW you sell can, and should, be the great differentiator between you and your competitors. Yes, more often than not your success as a salesperson today, your ability to make your numbers, depends more on HOW you sell rather than WHAT you sell. This reality puts you in the driver’s seat because you have direct control over how you sell. You have the power to "un-level" the playing field.Here are six ways you can convert the power of HOW into the “intangible” that demonstrates “tangible” value to your prospects.

  1. How quickly and completely you follow-up to their interest. Buyers have a choice about how to invest their time. Demonstrate from the outset that you are worthy of their investment.
  2. How absolutely responsive you are to their questions and requests. Provide complete answers quickly to the prospect. You aren’t responsive if you’re fast to respond but without an answer.
  3. How knowledgeable you are about their business. Buyers don’t want to feel that they have to completely educate you about their business.
  4. How thoroughly you understand the problem the prospect is trying to solve. Prospects want to deal with salespeople who have the experience and expertise to help define the problem to be solved and identify the optimal solution.
  5. How you provide unique insights about your solution and the value it will deliver. They are looking for a knowledgeable and trusted advisor to help them derive the maximum value from their investment.

And, most importantly, #6: How you plan every sales interaction with a prospect to deliver the maximum value with the least investment of their time. Time is money. Make the best use of the prospect’s time and you’ll get the money.