The Win Rate Podcast

The Win Rate Podcast with Andy Paul

Win Rate Weekends: What To Do With Low Performers

Show Notes

Welcome to Win Rate Weekends. Andy highlights a portion of the most recent episode that makes his blood boil. Andy and the panel, Ralph Barsi, VP of Sales at Kahua, Dave Brock, CEO of Partners in Excellence, and David Kreiger, Founder and President of Sales Roads, discuss a common but seriously flawed sales strategy of giving the best leads to top-performing reps. They argue that this approach is shortsighted and ultimately detrimental. Instead, they emphasize coaching and developing all sales reps, holding them accountable, and focusing on creating a sustainable sales system that works over time, not just for immediate results.

Listen to the full episode on Apple and Spotify

Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

Andy Paul strips the complexity from the craft of selling, revealing the essential path to sales success.

Marshall Goldsmith
America's #1 Executive Coach